The project partners from Turkey, Bulgaria, Spain, Northern Ireland-UK, Malta and Austria came together to realise the following activities during the two day meeting held in Burgos-Spain on 4-5th of April.
- Review of project activities after the kick-off meeting
- Presentations of EU and country reports within WP1 – Overview of Applicable EU and National Legislation on Health and Safety at Work
- Overview of the previous training methodology of Lansawood Project
- Presentation of the new eGuide CWH&S training methodology on the signs and signals in construction industry
- Review of previous modules under the Lansawood project
- Setting up the specification of the eGuide CWH&S training modules
- Identification of the topics of the training modules and distribution among partners
- Setting up an exact date for the next partner meeting as 8-9 October 2014 which will take place in Belfast-UK.