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Project Reference Number:



MAV – ‘Multidimensional Training of Adult Volunteers to Foster Migrants’ Integration’ is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project with a running time of November 2017-October 2019.

The project is focused on volunteers who serve as “companions” or “mentors” for migrants (including refugees, third country national and non-native in general) in order to better guide them into the European labor market, help them to identify and improve their skills and competences, continue to build upon the training which they might have had in their countries of origin.

We will create a form of learning tool kit for adult volunteers (especially adult migrants in volunteering) to better self-train and qualify volunteers to manage for “their migrants” the transition process between “arriving as migrants” up to integrating into the local labor market of the receiving country, in this way contributing to the enhancement of more inclusive societies.

Target group identified;

  • Migrant volunteers in the project countries, such as non-native, adult individuals with needs of improving their skills and competences in order to work and better integrate themselves in the project countries, also open to become in time active multipliers of the project results by mentoring other migrants in their local circles of relations.
  • Migrants, refugees and third country nationals – in particular women and women with children, having needs to better integrate themselves in the project countries as receiving countries. Improving their working productivity and their understanding of the traditions and culture of the receiving community, and providing them motivational guidance, will get them more opportunities not only to work but also to accept and be accepted, as for their relations with the local community.
  • Stakeholders in the local communities of the receiving societies, such as native inhabitants, authorities and policy makers, with needs of better understanding the migrants’ cultures in order to facilitate their integration, to the scope of achieving benefits for all the players involved – the migrants themselves that will become integrated workers, the local interests of employers, and the receiving society in general, becoming in this way more and more cohesive.

Specific Objectives:

  • To create awareness among the local communities in Germany, Turkey, Italy, Romania, Greece, United Kingdom and Cyprus of the beneficial effects of migrants’ integration.
  • To create, share and reuse a set of adults learning open resources (OER) to support migrants’ integration.

Intellectual Outputs:

  1. Guide for trainers to motivate adult migrant volunteers supporting migration
  2. MAV Adult Learning Toolkit
  3. MAV Adult Learning Course “Volunteers in Migrants’ Integration”
  4. MAV Communications Toolkit


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Bingöl İŞGEM

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Bingöl Business Development Center (İŞGEM) is a Technical Assistance Project.

The model of Business Development Centres (İŞGEM) as an entrepreneurship promoting mechanism and business incubator, support both new business establishments that are to say the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and employment increases. In İŞGEM model, at the early stages of business establishments, supports are provided to entrepreneurs to assist their institutionalization during the market entrance and development phases.

The scope of the Technical Assistance project is to support the institutional set-up of Bingöl İŞGEM including definition of a sustainable business plan for its operation, provision of support in the recruitment and capacity building of İŞGEM staff and provision of support in identification of tenants and strengthening of their technical capacities via training, mentoring and business development consultancy services.

The proposed project will develop close synergies with established İŞGEMs as well as other successful incubators in the country and abroad, for the exchange of know-how as well as for the capitalization and localization of best practices.

Beneficiary Organization

  • Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology of Turkey (MoSIT)

Target Groups

  • Potential entrepreneurs and start-ups in Bingöl province
  • Female entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs (positive discrimination measures will be taken so as to ensure that at least 25% of İŞGEM tenants are women or young entrepreneurs)


The main objective is to contribute to the socio-economic development of Bingöl, through strengthening entrepreneurial infrastructure in Bingöl and increasing technical Capacities of enterprises in Bingöl İŞGEM.  This will be achieved via the operational set-up of the Bingöl İŞGEM and the provision of business development support to twenty new entrepreneurs who will be hosted in the İŞGEM.

Specific Objectives

The specific objective to be attained by the present project is to strengthen the entrepreneurial culture, ecosystem, and infrastructure in the province via the operational set-up of Bingöl İŞGEM and the provision of business development support to at least twenty-two entrepreneurs.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • The Bingöl İŞGEM is relevant to the national and regional plans, policies and strategies in terms of establishing a proper environment for the development of entrepreneurship.
  • It deals with the lack of entrepreneurship as a barrier in front of the regional development which has been mentioned in strategy documents as a serious regional weakness and fosters community’s entrepreneurial climate.
  • Bingöl has a less developed, mainly rural economy, which depends on traditional sectors and small scaled manufacturing mainly depends on agricultural raw materials. Therefore a new İŞGEM hosting prospective entrepreneurs and supporting dynamic start-ups in traditional sectors is expected to increase the quality and capacity of manufacturing traditional sectors and foster trade / economic relations with other regions and abroad, improve competitiveness and local growth, in line with the other policies defined in the regional planning.
  • Bingöl İŞGEM by providing nursery hosting to new entrepreneurial initiatives and ideas would keep young entrepreneurs in their home region. Also, İŞGEM aims to attract female entrepreneurs.
  • Bingöl İŞGEM as an incubator for traditional products would establish synergies with other local agricultural development policies/projects and, because of that, cause a high added value for the region, either to the manufacturing or agricultural sector. For this purpose, networking must also be developed with other neighbouring İŞGEMs, existing or future.
  • There is an availability of raw (agriculture) materials and know how (coming from Bingöl University) in order to create the appropriate conditionality for the production and manufacturing of traditional competitive products.


  • İŞGEM management, technical and support staff is recruited and trained
  • İŞGEM is operating in accordance with its defined Business Plan
  • İŞGEM services are provided in accordance with the demand analysis and the developed Service Manuals
  • 22 start-up firms/potential entrepreneurs (İŞGEM tenants) are identified via a transparent
  • selection process and hosted within İŞGEM premises (working spaces)
  • Tenant firms are supported in improving and implementing their business plans
  • İŞGEM activities and results are widely promoted through a series of visibility actions




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Gümüşhane İŞGEM

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Gümüşhane Traditional and Organic Products Business Development Center (İŞGEM) is a Technical Assistance Project with a running time of August 2016- March 2018.

The model of Business Development Centres (İŞGEM) as an entrepreneurship promoting mechanism and business incubator, support both new business establishments that is to say the small and medium sized businesses which are shortly defined as SME’s, and employment increases. In İŞGEM model, at the early stages of business establishments supports are provided to entrepreneurs to assist their institutionalization during the market entrance and development phases.

At the regional level (Gümüşhane Province), the key challenge is to establish a proper environment for the development of entrepreneurship. Gümüşhane has a less developed, mainly rural economy, which depends on traditional sectors. Therefore a new İŞGEM hosting prospective entrepreneurs and supporting dynamic start-ups in traditional sectors is expected to increase the quality and capacity of manufacturing food sector and foster trade / economic relations with other regions and abroad, improve competitiveness and local growth, in line with the other policies defined in the regional planning.

Beneficiaries of the Project

The project’s Contracting Authority is the DG for EU and Foreign Affairs (DoEUFP) within the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT). Eastern Black Sea Development Agency (DOKA) is the End Recipient of Assistance for the Gümüşhane-İŞGEM Operation. Governor of Gümüşhane also participating in DOKA is the senior Representative of the End Recipient.

Target Groups

  • Potential entrepreneurs and start-ups in Gümüşhane province
  • Female entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs (positive discrimination measures will be taken so as to ensure that at least 25% of İŞGEM tenants are women or young entrepreneurs)


The main objective is to contribute to the socio-economic development of Gümüşhane, through strengthening entrepreneurial infrastructure in Gümüşhane and increasing technical Capacities of enterprises in Gümüşhane İŞGEM.  This will be achieved via the operational set-up of the Gümüşhane İŞGEM and the provision of business development support to twenty new entrepreneurs who will be hosted in the İŞGEM.

Specific Objectives

  • Improving İŞGEM’s service infrastructure
  • Strengthening Technical Capacities of İŞGEM and its Tenants

Challenges and Opportunities

  • The Gümüşhane İŞGEM is relevant to the national and regional plans, policies and strategies in terms of establishing a proper environment for the development of entrepreneurship.
  • It deals with the lack of support and services to start-up businesses which have been mentioned in strategy documents as a serious regional weakness.
  • Gümüşhane has a less developed, mainly rural economy, which depends on traditional sectors. Therefore a new İŞGEM hosting prospective entrepreneurs and supporting dynamic start-ups in traditional sectors is expected to increase the quality and capacity of manufacturing food sector and foster trade / economic relations with other regions and abroad, improve competitiveness and local growth, in line with the other policies defined in the regional planning.
  • Gümüşhane İŞGEM by providing nursery hosting to new entrepreneurial initiatives and ideas would keep young entrepreneurs in their home region. Also, İŞGEM aims to attract female entrepreneurs.
  • Gümüşhane İŞGEM as an incubator for traditional products would establish synergies with other local agricultural development policies/projects and, because of that, cause a high added value for the region, either to the manufacturing or agricultural sector. For this purpose, networking must also be developed with otherneighbouringİŞGEMs, existing or future.
  • There is an availability of raw (agriculture and forestry) materials and know how (coming from Gümüşhane University) in order to create the appropriate conditionality for the production and manufacturing of traditional competitive products.


  • Identification of Strategically Important Sectors in Gümüşhane Province
  • Value Chain Analysis Reports & Demand Estimation Survey Results Report
  • Gümüşhane İŞGEM Business Plan – Version 1.0 & Service Delivery Manuals of Gümüşhane İŞGEM
  • İŞGEM’s Communication and Visibility Strategy & Functional website
  • Promotional Seminars implemented
  • İŞGEM staff trained & Training reports (including approved Training Programme)
  • 3 Study visit reports (2 national visits and 1 international visit)
  • Launch event report
  • Acceptance of the first 20 tenants of the Gümüşhane İŞGEM
  • Tenant’s Business Plans improvement programmes
  • Training, consulting, mentoring and advisory sessions delivered to the tenants
  • Tenants’ improved Business Plans
  • Business Development Services assessment report
  • Updated Gümüşhane İŞGEM Business Plan – Version 2.0
  • Two Project Proposals for possible funding of Gümüşhane İŞGEM expansion


Bingöl İşgem



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So – VET

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SO-VET – Social Entrepreneurship as an Alternative for Young Unemployed is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Project with a running time of September 2016 – August 2018.

It is extremely difficult for young people without a formal education that is not in employment and education to find a job. However, even without formal training or labour market experience, youth people do gather competences. Globalization, demographic change, technological advances and the financial crisis have created major challenges for today’s societies. Individuals have to confront rapidly changing data and to learn how to keep up with these changes and advancement.

So-VET is a specific project comes to address NEETs and youth unemployment through the development of social entrepreneurship, making it an alternative for unemployed youth. It is necessary for NEETs to gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies through VAT in terms of social entrepreneurship, a field that is gaining high interest and which can provide a means to exit the crisis.

Target Groups

  • Young people with a specific focus on the NEET group (not engaged in any form of employment, education or training)
  • Trainers and teachers in VET institutions


The main objective of the project is to upgrade and enhance VET in terms of social entrepreneurship to provide more effective and efficient courses in the subject and to increase the participation and activation of youth in terms of social entrepreneurship, thus decreasing the level of dormancy that exists among NEETs and decreasing the level of unemployment.

Intellectual Outputs

  • Training Need Analysis Report which will take the form of a final report on research findings in terms of the VET of NEETs in Social Entrepreneurship and the specific needs of the target group (the skill set required as a result of the needs analysis). The needs analysis is expected to reveal the need for well-targeted training areas and the development of tailored curriculum for the development of skills with regards to the social economy and entrepreneurship.
  • Curriculum for Unemployed Youth to Identify, Develop and Enhance Their Soft Skills which refers to knowledge and skills that youth are expected to acquire, the learning standards or learning objectives they are expected to meet, the units and lessons that teachers must teach, the assignments and projects assigned to students, the books, materials, videos, presentations, and readings used in the courses and the tests, assessments, and other methods used to evaluate student learning and outcomes.
  • Guideline for the Integration of the Curriculum in Existing National VET Programmes which will examine all factors that are crucial for the successful implementation of curriculum, materials, and tools. Moreover, this guide will describe the training program, its contents, educational materials and tools, as well as, the training methodology.
  • E-learning Platform which will be developed for the needs of the project, where the young NEETs will be able to attend the pilot on-line courses and receive training from a distance so as to enable the active participation of individuals from different regions who are not always able to be physically present to workshops/seminars/events. It will provide with the open on-line courses, will include an area of Community of Practice for open discussions and exchange and will also include an e-library with important and relevant resources.
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which will be a document describing the agreement between all aforementioned groups and which will outline planned actions in terms of the promotion and institutionalization of the European curriculum for social entrepreneurship for NEETs.
  • Handbook on the Improvement of Social Entrepreneurship which will include all the models, tools, methodologies produced within the project and it will be collected and framed in a didactic guide.


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Project Reference Number:


About the Project:

MIGRAPRENEURS – “Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Mindset Development for Highly Skilled Migrants in Europe”  is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Project with a running time of September 2016 – August 2019.

Human Capital is a key determinant of the innovative performance of regions and countries. Research has found that human capital coming from the migration behaviour of skilled individuals is a significant determinant of innovation in host countries. (SERC, 2011).  Skill mismatch, however, can contribute to unemployment and may reduce productivity and competitiveness. It appears in various forms such as skill shortages or skill gaps, but also applies to situations where the qualifications, knowledge, and skills of an individual exceed the requirements of their job. Migrant workers in Europe are more likely to experience over-qualification – where their level of education is higher than the job they are doing.

The purpose of this project is designed for utilizing the skills that highly skilled migrants bring into partner countries by fostering an entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial mindset for migrants.

Target Groups

  • Highly skilled migrants (HSM) (educated to university level)
  • Entrepreneur migrants around Europe (mainly in countries who have been more affected by the refugee crisis)
  • Migrants who might never have thought about starting up businesses or are in the early stages of thinking about starting up.

General Objectives

The overall objective of this project will be to better utilize the skills that highly skilled migrants bring into partner countries by fostering an entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial mindset for migrants.

Specific Objectives

  • The difficulty of immigrants successfully integrating into society is becoming an ever-more pressing issue and needs to be addressed. This project will help to combat this problem by increasing migrant employment in skills-matched areas as well as increasing entrepreneurship amongst this group and helping migrants to create strong social networks.
  • The project will also connect participants with both business professionals and fellow immigrants via a networking platform which will contribute to a more cohesive society and lead to more active participation in the community

Intellectual Outputs

  • Research Reports on training needs of highly skilled migrants to develop entrepreneurial mindset: It consists of desk research looking into training needs of HSM, Interviews and National and European Comparative Report.
  • A Training Programme: Development of the ‘Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants’ training programme including development of Learner Materials, design and printing of Learner Pack, Piloting Training Programme (2 pilots in total), National Reports (following each pilot), Overall Comparative Report (following 2nd pilot – bringing in results from Pilot 1 and Pilot 2)
  • Training the Trainers materials: Development of Training the Trainers Guide to accompany ‘Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants’ training programme consist of development of Trainers’ Guidelines for delivery of the ‘Entreprenurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants’ training programme, training the trainers workshop (1 day workshop)
  • Guide “Transferring your Skills into Self-Employment for HSM will provide information aimed at highly skilled migrants as to how they can transfer skills into self-employment. The Guide will contain specific chapters with information based on each partner country.
  • Policy Guide for policymakers into how to develop entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial mindsets when working with highly skilled migrants, based on project partners’ expertise and experience from the Migrapreneurs project. The guide will be an online pdf document available on the Learning Hub and website.
  • E-Learning Hub: An online Migrapreneurs Learning Hub (Moodle-based platform) to contain all the learner materials from the Entrepreneurial Journey training programme for highly skilled migrants as well as information for trainers (Facilitators’ Guide) and other interactive learning resources relevant to Migrapreneurs. A set of video case studies will be available as part of the Hub showcasing individual journeys from the target group members.


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INNOGROW is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Project with a running time of September 2015 – August 2017. MAKRO is the leader of consortium.

The purpose of INNOGROW is designed for increasing employability levels of and new business creation by young unemployed individuals (including NEETs) and higher education students as well as developing initiative taking of key SME staff by the use of an innovative ‘learning path’ method which includes; self-assessment tool, self-learning materials on innovative entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship (such as; creative thinking, problem solving, risk taking, team work, innovation management and etc.) and also business idea development tool in one integrated and mobile assisted eLearning software, all to be supported/strengthened by tutors and classroom trainings. The general aim is then to bring a new and learner-centred pedagogical approach to entrepreneurship training by use of the most appropriate transnational expertise in this field.

Target Groups of the Project:

  • Young unemployed individuals (including NEETs) who wish to increase their employability levels and establish new innovative businesses
  • Higher education students who wish to increase their employability levels and establish new innovative businesses
  • SMEs’ key staff who have influence in decision making processes

General Objectives of the Project:

Bring a new and learner-centred pedagogical approach to entrepreneurship training by use of the most appropriate transnational expertise in this field.

Specific Objectives of the Project:

  • Equip young individuals with updated and innovative entrepreneurship skills in order to increase their employability and new business creation
  • Equip SMEs’ key staff with updated and innovative entrepreneurship skills in order to develop their initiative and contribution to business development processes

Intellectual Outputs of the Project:

  • Competence Profile of an Innovative Entrepreneur: A set of qualifications, their definitions and contexts, which an innovative entrepreneur/intrapreneur should possess in order to compete in EU labour market and today’s economic conditions.
  • Self-Assessment Tool for Innovative Entrepreneurship: An on-line user-friendly tool for assessing the capacity of learner on Innovative Entrepreneurship based on a benchmarking process, in all the contemporary entrepreneurship skills predefined under the first output, such as: creative thinking, problem solving, risk taking, time management, team building and etc.
  • Innovative Entrepreneurship eLearning Modules: Training modules which will develop the skills and qualifications designated in first and second outputs.
  • Business Idea Development Tool: An online and interactive software of “Business Model Canvas” which will be used mainly for helping the learners to discover the validity and feasibility of their new business plans and/or areas for improvement in their current organisations (depending on the target group they belong).
  • Web-based Mobile Software for Self-Assessment, Training and Business Idea Development: Multi-functional web software (mobile supported – Web App) which includes three main add-ons (pieces of software which enhances software and cannot be run independently): Self-Assessment Tool, eLearning Modules and Business Idea Development Tool. The web-based mobile software (web app) is designed as suitable for flexible use whenever and wherever on either computers or mobile devices with an internet connection.


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ECOLIVE is an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Project with a running time of September 2015 – August 2018.

Olive oil is the central component of the Mediterranean diet and the countries around the Mediterranean sea have the largest production of olive oil in the world. Οlive oil represents a big part of the exporting activity of these countries in the agricultural sector. However, there is a growing trend in the international market towards the organic products and there is a growing need that the production from the part of the Mediterranean producers is able to match this need.

Organic olive oil is a high quality product with high value compared to other types of olive oil and it is certified by the competent quality bodies in each Member State. In order to be able to produce and sell successfully organic olive oil, there is a need to support the training of production entities of organic olive oil, members of agricultural cooperatives and managers of companies working on the conversion of conventional oil production forms into production of olive oil through organic farming.  This will be achieved through the training of members of Agricultural cooperative and executives of production companies, and they in turn will train farmers in the following fields:

  • Preparation and management of the olive grove’s soil and the maintenance and improvement of soil fertility.
  • Organic fertilization of the olive grove.
  • Plant protection of the olive grove. Measures of protection against pests and diseases.
  • Harvest and transport techniques.
  • The production of olive oil with natural methods at a suitable temperature without the use of chemical solvents.
  • The packaging, maintenance and transportation of organic olive oil.
  • The labeling of organic olive oil.
  • Exporting Organic Olive Oil

The training will be realized through the use of e-learning and m-learning and addressed to members and managers of agricultural cooperatives and companies in order to enable them to guide farmers in the production and certification of organic olive oil.

The accomplishment of the project’s objectives will contribute to the improvement of the olive oil production in the participating countries and the enhancement of farmers’ income as the selling price of organic olive oil is much higher than the price of conventional olive oil. This will also lead to the local and regional development of the oil producing regions.

Target Groups of the Project:

The main target group and the final beneficiaries of the project are the producers of olive oil in the oil producing regions of the partner countries. These producers are the most important target group of the project because it represents the final beneficiaries, the people who are going ultimately to benefit from the results of the project. Another target group are the members of Agricultural cooperative and executives of production companies, who are going to be trained to become teachers of the olive oil producers through the use of the project material and resources.

Intellectual Outputs:

  1. Transnational Training Needs Analysis: The Transnational Training Needs Analysis is a document that will analyse in a comparative way the results of the desk and field research realised in the partner countries related with the identification of the training needs of the olive producers regarding the procedure for the certification of organic olive oil
  2. Blended Learning Material for the training of olive oil producers to the procedures of production and certification of organic oil: The training material will have as a main goal to train the farmers and everyone that is involved in the process of production of olive oil (members of Agricultural cooperatives and executives of production companies) in all the different phases of the production of organic oil from harvesting until preparation for exports.
  3. E-Learning and M-Learning Platform: The e-learning platform and m-learning platform of the project will be the technical infrastructure which will be the basis for the organisation of the e-learning courses.
  4. Teacher training sessions: The teacher training sessions are going to be organised in 2 different phases. The first phase is going to be organised face to face in the framework of a transnational project meeting for 2 master trainers and the 2nd one is going to be organised through e-learning for the rest of the 12 trainers with the support of these 2 master trainers.
  5. Blended Learning Courses: The blended learning courses are going to be offered to the farmers and the producers of organic olive oil in the partner countries.





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E-EMPORIO is a LdV-Tol Project with a running time of
October 2013-2015.

E-EMPORIO is a Leonardo da Vinci (LdV), Transfer of Innovation (ToI) project which is based on a former successfully implemented and completed project called text-e – “Training of Export Trainers via e Learning – an Innovative Approach”. E-EMPORIO is further developing the products of this project. It aims to contribute to the development of the export skills of staff working in SMEs, by providing them with complete, qualitative, results-oriented and practice-oriented e-learning contents, accessible through internet from any place, at any time.
The main target group consists of:

  • SMEs’ staff (particularly persons working in marketing and sales departments, but also from other departments);
  • Unemployed willing to set up an SME or improve their professional skills in order to find a job.

The general objectives of the project are:

  • To contribute to an increase in SMEs competitiveness at international level by using innovative technologies;
  • To increase foreign trade capacities of SMEs’ staff;
  • To minimize training gaps in exports identified in partner countries;
  • To generate dialogue among the trainers from partner countries and promote the accreditation of skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning.The specific objectives of the project include:
  • To develop practice-oriented and competence based e-learning contents, especially developed in order to increase the skills of SMEs’ staff in exports, taking into consideration the specificities of each partner country;
  • To transfer these e-learning courses also to mobile devices applications;
  • To provide certification for the skills and competencies that are going to be obtained through the e-learning platform;
  • To transfer best practices and expertise between partners;
  • To consider the needs of specific target groups such as older workers (or unemployed) wishing to improve their skills.

The major outcomes of the project are: desk and field research on the training needs of SMEs; e-learning platform; innovative E-Learning Modules; e-learning courses; training of trainers etc.
The project’s products are going to increase the skills of the staff of the SMEs or of the unemployed wanting to establish an SME in exporting activities. This will create more confidence for this staff to direct themselves towards the foreign markets and could contribute to the increase of the exporting activities.


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E-Guide CWH&S –“ Innovative e-Guide in Construction Workplace Health and Safety” is LdV-ToI project with a running time between 2013-2015.

The e-Guide CWH&S project proposal is based on the findings of our survey analysis of the state of the art in the partner countries and Europe wide, including the following:

  • Discussions with VET institutions and representatives of the business community leading to the conclusion that, training in health and safety is vital, especially in industries with higher percentage of accidents in the work place.
  • The research carried out by EuroStat and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work reports that construction industry has been identified as one of the sectors with the highest rate of incidents, where about 10 % of the employees suffer accidents at work every year.
  • The latest results of the European Survey of Working Conditions showing that almost 35% of workers in Europe feel that their job puts their health at risk. Some categories of workers are still exposed to occupational risks (young workers, migrant workers, etc.). Certain sectors are still particularly dangerous (construction/civil engineering, forestry and wood industry, agriculture, transport, etc.).
  • The project partners outlined a common gap for specific training in health and safety in the curricula in their VET systems. On the other hand, the discussions with company managers in construction industry also confirmed that currently the needs for such training have been very big. Businesses have little resources to put complex systems of worker protection in place and tend to be more affected by the negative impact of health and safety problems. A great number of hazardous situations occur either due to little knowledge of newly appointed workers or underestimation of the health and safety signs and signals by experienced employees.
  • This project proposal is developed also by taking into consideration the following strategic documents:
i) Skills Supply and Demand in Europe, Mid-term Forecast up to 2020 (CEDEFOP);

ii) EUROPE 2020 Flagship Initiative Innovation Union (Communication from the Commission);

iii) An Agenda for new skills and jobs: A European contribution towards full employment (Communication from the Commission);

iv) Panorama on the Skill Needs in Europe, Focus on 2020 (CEDEFOP).
So as the aim of the project is described as; to develop an innovative e-learning tool for acquiring key competencies in health and safety signs and signals in construction industry.
Specific objectives:

  • To transfer and adapt industry-specific VET training tools and methods;
  • To train VET students, trainers/tutors and SME staff in health and safety signs and signals in construction industry;
  • To raise awareness of the vital importance of health and safety signs and signals in construction industry and the related sectors

The achievement of the aim and objectives will benefit VET students, their trainers and tutors as well as the workers in construction industry (e.g. newly employed workers, older workers, migrant workers, SME managers, etc.) whose career development depends on their knowledge for healthy and safe working environment. The project will equip them with an e-learning interactive multilingual training tool in the system of health and safety signs and signals applied in construction industry and related sectors. This will contribute to achieving improved industrial safety that will influence the entire economic aspects of construction industry.

Furthermore, the achievement of the aims and objectives will facilitate the development of innovative practices in the field of VET at the levels of secondary education, re-training and lifelong learning, as well as their transfer between industries and participating countries.

The project will provide innovative pedagogical materials and methodology tailored for the specific learning environment of VET as part of the lifelong learning process focused on the training needs of the target groups and the desired results. A pedagogical approach in VET resting on e-learning and industry-specific orientation will add to the increased quality of VET systems and practices in the partner countries and beyond.


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Increasing the Adaptability of Employers and Employees to the Changes in Global Economy” (in Turkish “Çalışanların ve İşverenlerin Küresel Ekonomideki Değişikliklere Uyum Yeteneğinin Artırılması Projesi” – KUYAP) is a project is funded under IPA Human Resources Development Component with 15% national co-funding provided by The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). The project will be implemented between February 2013 to February 2014.

KUYAP is aimed to increase the adaptability of employers and employees of SMEs by lifelong learning, in 15 growth centres of East of Turkey (Elaziğ, Malatya, Diyarbakir, Şanliurfa, Trabzon, Kayseri, Van, Kastamonu, Sivas, Samsun, Gaziantep, Kars, Erzurum, Kahramanmaraş, and Batman).

  • TOBB is the Beneficiary of the Project, whereas the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) – European Union Coordination Department (EUCD) – Human Resources Development Operating Structure (HRDOS).
  • The Project’s activities is carried out by the KUYAP Technical Assistance Team (TAT) composed by International and National Experts.
  • In this project, 6 Training Support and Coordination Centres (TSCC) have been established at 5 Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Elaziğ, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Samsun, Sivas) and TOBB.
  • In each of these centres 2 Coordinators are currently working primarily for designing and delivering trainings for employers and employees in close cooperation with KUYAP Technical Assistance Team (TAT), and local Chambers of Commerce and Industries of the 15 growth centres.
  • The trainings for the employers will mainly increase the managerial skills, whereas the trainings for the employers will increase mainly their vocational skills.
  • Training will be complemented by exchange experiences and best practices workshops will be organised during Site Visits with the participation of SMEs of more developed regions of West of Turkey. They will also try to raise the awareness of companies regarding adaptability in business.
  • In addition, study visits are organized for employers and employees who will be brought to EU countries, where they will see how specific problems on basic issues like human resources management, accounting etc. are dealt with in SMEs of some other countries and how chambers assist their members on such matters.

Overall Objective of the project is; to increase the adaptability of employees and employers by investing more in human capital for the sake of a more sustainable economic and growth and social development.

Specific Objectives:

  • To support SMEs directly by increasing knowledge and skills of employees and employers and strengthening their capacity.
  • To support mainly chambers and other social partners and public institutions in providing services to SMEs for increasing adaptability of employees, employers and enterprises.
  • To enhance coordination and cooperation among relevant actors in providing services to SMEs for increasing adaptability of employees, employers and enterprises.
Expected Results:
  • Result 1: Project visibility is achieved; employers and employees raised their awareness on the need for more training and consultancy for increasing adaptability and competitiveness.
  • Result 2: Training needs and trainings already provided for employees and employers in the growth centres were identified and training modules were prepared and presented.
  • Result 3: The level of knowledge and skills of employers was increased to raise their adaptability.
  • Result 4: The level of knowledge and skills of employees was increased to raise their adaptability.
  • Result 5: The capacity of chambers in providing trainings and contributing to lifelong learning was improved.
  • Result 6: Staff of chambers, social partners, Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Board staff and public institution staff increased their training capacities.
  • Result 7: Cooperation and coordination among relevant stakeholders was enhanced to provide complementary services to SMEs for increasing their adaptability.
  • Result 8: The project is effectively planned, managed and coordinated, and sustainability of the project results are ensured.



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