Project Reference Number:
MAV – ‘Multidimensional Training of Adult Volunteers to Foster Migrants’ Integration’ is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project with a running time of November 2017-October 2019.
The project is focused on volunteers who serve as “companions” or “mentors” for migrants (including refugees, third country national and non-native in general) in order to better guide them into the European labor market, help them to identify and improve their skills and competences, continue to build upon the training which they might have had in their countries of origin.
We will create a form of learning tool kit for adult volunteers (especially adult migrants in volunteering) to better self-train and qualify volunteers to manage for “their migrants” the transition process between “arriving as migrants” up to integrating into the local labor market of the receiving country, in this way contributing to the enhancement of more inclusive societies.
Target group identified;
- Migrant volunteers in the project countries, such as non-native, adult individuals with needs of improving their skills and competences in order to work and better integrate themselves in the project countries, also open to become in time active multipliers of the project results by mentoring other migrants in their local circles of relations.
- Migrants, refugees and third country nationals – in particular women and women with children, having needs to better integrate themselves in the project countries as receiving countries. Improving their working productivity and their understanding of the traditions and culture of the receiving community, and providing them motivational guidance, will get them more opportunities not only to work but also to accept and be accepted, as for their relations with the local community.
- Stakeholders in the local communities of the receiving societies, such as native inhabitants, authorities and policy makers, with needs of better understanding the migrants’ cultures in order to facilitate their integration, to the scope of achieving benefits for all the players involved – the migrants themselves that will become integrated workers, the local interests of employers, and the receiving society in general, becoming in this way more and more cohesive.
Specific Objectives:
- To create awareness among the local communities in Germany, Turkey, Italy, Romania, Greece, United Kingdom and Cyprus of the beneficial effects of migrants’ integration.
- To create, share and reuse a set of adults learning open resources (OER) to support migrants’ integration.
Intellectual Outputs:
- Guide for trainers to motivate adult migrant volunteers supporting migration
- MAV Adult Learning Toolkit
- MAV Adult Learning Course “Volunteers in Migrants’ Integration”
- MAV Communications Toolkit