Project Reference Number:



BEST—Language Support to Vocational Education and Training is a LdV -ToI project which had been successfully completed between 2008 – 2010.
BEST has been elected as one of the 120 Best Projects on ADAM Database.

BEST project is designed to respond to the urgent language training needs of our contemporary society by matching vocational education and training to the rapidly developing sectors of economy. The enlargement of the European Union imposes specific demands on people’s language skills directly related to employability, free movement of people on the labour market and the new emphasis in certain industries that are at a peak. The construction industry and energy efficiency and renewable energy resources, incl. certain related topics, have been on the agenda recently.
To meet the new challenges in the identified areas, the project developed and implemented useful tools that fill the gap in language training within the system of VET and match these skills to industries’ demands.

BEST project developed a picture glossary of terms in Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Turkish and Romanian languages covering the following six key topics: construction, construction management, energy efficiency and renewable energy resources, environment and environmental protection, electricity, ICT.

The project partnership included two organization that have participated in the previous LdV project, which have been transfered and further developed, incl. the previous project promoter. However, the BEST project also relied on the contribution of partner organisations representing the focus language groups, experienced in VET issues as well as in delivering EU funded projects.
The BEST Project developed the following tools: a multilingual (5 languages) picture glossary, a student’s book containing sample lessons from all topics covered by the glossary, teaching notes and a test-book. The hard copy of the glossary has been accompanied by an installation CD that makes it possible for any end-user to have the multilingual picture glossary installed on his/her PC.
The outcomes of the project is applicable both in vocational schools and in any short-term or long-term vocational training of company staff as well used as reference for individuals employed in the related sectors. Furthermore, the outcomes of the project made available to self-learners of foreign languages or as a distance-learning tool since all project materials and products have been loaded on a website, specially designed for the purposes of the BEST Project.





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