Project Reference Number:



Increasing the Adaptability of Employers and Employees to the Changes in Global Economy” (in Turkish “Çalışanların ve İşverenlerin Küresel Ekonomideki Değişikliklere Uyum Yeteneğinin Artırılması Projesi” – KUYAP) is a project is funded under IPA Human Resources Development Component with 15% national co-funding provided by The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB). The project will be implemented between February 2013 to February 2014.

KUYAP is aimed to increase the adaptability of employers and employees of SMEs by lifelong learning, in 15 growth centres of East of Turkey (Elaziğ, Malatya, Diyarbakir, Şanliurfa, Trabzon, Kayseri, Van, Kastamonu, Sivas, Samsun, Gaziantep, Kars, Erzurum, Kahramanmaraş, and Batman).

  • TOBB is the Beneficiary of the Project, whereas the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) – European Union Coordination Department (EUCD) – Human Resources Development Operating Structure (HRDOS).
  • The Project’s activities is carried out by the KUYAP Technical Assistance Team (TAT) composed by International and National Experts.
  • In this project, 6 Training Support and Coordination Centres (TSCC) have been established at 5 Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Elaziğ, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Samsun, Sivas) and TOBB.
  • In each of these centres 2 Coordinators are currently working primarily for designing and delivering trainings for employers and employees in close cooperation with KUYAP Technical Assistance Team (TAT), and local Chambers of Commerce and Industries of the 15 growth centres.
  • The trainings for the employers will mainly increase the managerial skills, whereas the trainings for the employers will increase mainly their vocational skills.
  • Training will be complemented by exchange experiences and best practices workshops will be organised during Site Visits with the participation of SMEs of more developed regions of West of Turkey. They will also try to raise the awareness of companies regarding adaptability in business.
  • In addition, study visits are organized for employers and employees who will be brought to EU countries, where they will see how specific problems on basic issues like human resources management, accounting etc. are dealt with in SMEs of some other countries and how chambers assist their members on such matters.

Overall Objective of the project is; to increase the adaptability of employees and employers by investing more in human capital for the sake of a more sustainable economic and growth and social development.

Specific Objectives:

  • To support SMEs directly by increasing knowledge and skills of employees and employers and strengthening their capacity.
  • To support mainly chambers and other social partners and public institutions in providing services to SMEs for increasing adaptability of employees, employers and enterprises.
  • To enhance coordination and cooperation among relevant actors in providing services to SMEs for increasing adaptability of employees, employers and enterprises.
Expected Results:
  • Result 1: Project visibility is achieved; employers and employees raised their awareness on the need for more training and consultancy for increasing adaptability and competitiveness.
  • Result 2: Training needs and trainings already provided for employees and employers in the growth centres were identified and training modules were prepared and presented.
  • Result 3: The level of knowledge and skills of employers was increased to raise their adaptability.
  • Result 4: The level of knowledge and skills of employees was increased to raise their adaptability.
  • Result 5: The capacity of chambers in providing trainings and contributing to lifelong learning was improved.
  • Result 6: Staff of chambers, social partners, Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Board staff and public institution staff increased their training capacities.
  • Result 7: Cooperation and coordination among relevant stakeholders was enhanced to provide complementary services to SMEs for increasing their adaptability.
  • Result 8: The project is effectively planned, managed and coordinated, and sustainability of the project results are ensured.



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